Is RBI Assistant better than IBPS PO?
Banking sector is very lucrative and prestigious for those who want to have a bright future. If we compare RBI Assistant with IBPS PO then RBI stands at a good place. It depends from one’s preferences but most of aspirants seeking bank jobs wishes to work for RBI.
Let us evaluate the differences of the IBPS PO and RBI assistant.
- RBI Assistant is a centralized job and its offices are spread all over India in the metro cities. The appointment at RBI means that one will get a metro or urban city for the work. But those who are appointed under IBPS PO exam may be posted at the rural areas which means they will be deprived from modern facilities.
- Promotions at IBPS PO based banks will give be in every 2-3 years where as those who are appointed under RBI will only see the promotions after 10 years of their appointment as RBI Assistant.
- A bank PO can reach at the high post during his service where as RBI Assistant will remain as assistant for many years.
- Bank PO gets more chances to learn various types of work in almost all the fields of banking from insurance, loan processing, Business enhancement, finance, credit, office management, etc., where as RBI Assistant only more perks but remain at the same level and type of work is also fixed.
Although both the positions are good as a career option or perks but still it all holds at the mindset of the candidates.
Those who want to earn more perks will opt for RBI Assistant and those who want extensive experience in the banking sector working would like to join IBPS PO.
Note- Above content is written and shared from IBT Delhi (Top & Bank Coaching Institute in Laxmi Nagar)